About Us
Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption (CSPC) is an independent non-governmental organization founded in January 2005 within the frameworks of the TACIS Project “Cleaner Production in selected CIS countries: Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan”.
Implemented projects
- TACIS Project “Cleaner Production in selected CIS countries: Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan” funded by the European Commission
- UNDP-Slovakia Project “National capacity building for introduction of integrated management system (ISO 9001, 14001)
- CAREC Project “Towards PRTR system in Kazakhstan”
- UNDP Kazakhstan Project “Assistance to sustainable production and consumption policy and support of waste management system improvement”
- Asian Development Bank project “Environmental monitoring and Information Management System for Sustainable Land Use
- Project on Nature Resources Management and Regulation of Nature Resources Use of Almaty oblast “Development of regional program of SDW management for 2007-2009”.
- Project of the “Centre for Engineering and Technology Transfer” JSC on solid domestic waste management in Almaty.
- Project of the “Centre for Engineering and Technology Transfer” JSC on waste management of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
- Almaty Akimat Project “Organization of call centre on identification of environmental violations”
- “Environmental and energy ratings of enterprises” (in cooperation with the Independent Environmental Rating Agency, Russia) and etc.
- Consulting services on development and introduction of management systems
Current projects
Environmental and energy ratings on annual basis starting from 2006

Reliable and accessible information on environmental impact is required in order to enable market participants to compare both economic and environmental costs of production of various goods. Making ratings of social and environmental responsibility of Kazakhstan enterprises is focused on solving these problems. |
First environmental rating of Kazakhstan enterprises was compiled by the Centre in 2007 within the framework of a social project financed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Starting from 2008, CF “CSPC” compiles environmental and energy rating of Kazakhstan enterprises. The methodology is based on actual data of enterprises. Any enterprise causing any environmental impact can become a participant of the rating.
“Commissioning of solar mini electric stations for production of electric energy for 5 farms of South Kazakhstan oblast” funded by GEF PMG
For project participation there were some 5 farming enterprises from South Kazakhstan oblasts selected for commissioning photo-electric stations (FES) of 1 kWt capacity. Commissioning of FES has improved social conditions of the farmers significantly as they are residing in remote pastures over a long period of time. In addition to that, use of FES makes contribution into reduction of green house gas emissions.
UNEP project on information dissemination and awareness rising on benefits and advantages of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), strengthening of institutional and political support for development and implementation of SPC programs in Kazakhstan
Within the frameworks of the project, there was held a workshop with participation of representatives from ministries, akimats, and civil society on dissemination of information on SCP, introduction of the UNEP methodology on SCP programs elaboration. There was a SCP working group created and Kazakhstan.
Project “POPs monitoring, reporting and information dissemination using Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) in Kazakhstan”
This project is implemented in cooperation with GEF, UNEP, UNITAR, and Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The goal of this project is capacity building on execution of obligations related to information dissemination and public awareness through PRTR introduction, assistance in setting up of a dialog between the state institutions, business entities and civil society, awareness rising among decision makers on PRTR. The main task is to initiate the process of national PRTR development in Kazakhstan involving all stakeholders, provision with informational and technical assistance to Kazakhstan in decision making on PRTR. Approach takes into consideration domestic conditions and needs, assistance in public participation in PRTR development process and introduction of Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), capacity building of state institutions in provision community with environmental information.
Project “Introduction of Environmental Policy Tools in the Republic of Kazakhstan” funded by the European Council
Developed tools of environmental policy for three priority oblasts:
Production and consumption wastes management as a pilot in Astana
Air quality management in large cities as a pilot in Almaty
River basin management as a pilot in Ili-Balkhash basin
Regarding to production and consumption wastes management, there was a complex (package) approach proposed on production and consumption wastes management. Draft Strategy of production and consumption wastes management comprising of target indicators of volume reduction of accumulated wastes, options for processing of disposed fractions based on economic assessment, including management of bio-degradable part of wastes. Conducted trainings with representatives of local executive bodies, developed manual on waste dump management applying best practices. Tool packages also includes measures on development of closed processing cycles of industrial and municipal waste processing based on principles of producer’s responsibility.
In order to increase environmental safety of enterprises and minimization of environmental impact, the project has proposed implementation of gradual transfer to the best available technologies for new enterprises created within the forced industrial and innovative development programme and existing enterprises.

www.cspc-ca.kz |