Innovation in Industry

A brief summary of the social project

"Monitoring the effectiveness of measures to implement programmes and projects to achieve sustainable production and consumption (SCP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2012-2014)
In the "Strategy "Kazakhstan 2050: new political course of the established state" one of the challenges the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has called the exhaustion of natural resources and appealed to most efficiently transform natural wealth into sustainable economic growth.
One of the main aspects of sustainable development is the introduction of SCP models. According to the definition given in the Environmental code of the RK SCP model – is a socio-economic model, characterized by increased production with reduced consumption of non-renewable resources, restoration of renewable resources and reduction of anthropogenic pollution.
The Republic of Kazakhstan, being a member of the world community, has assumed obligations to implement the tasks set in the Agenda of the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992), which adopted the Declaration on Environment and Development, as well as the declarations of the Millennium Summit (New York, 2000) and the world summit on sustainable development (Johannesburg, 2002). In the outcome document of the UN Conference on sustainable development Rio+20 states of the need to stimulate and encourage the development of a ten-year SCP framework programs. Also was mentioned that for transition to sustainable development worldwide it is necessary radically change the SCP patterns in countries.
The main objectives of the project: to support the dialogue between state institutions and the public on improvement the process programs development at local and national level; promoting the integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international process on SCP; promotion SCP and sustainable lifestyle.
Within the project framework the current state, sectoral, and regional programs were analyzed for compliance with the principles of SCP. Were organized round tables in various regions with the participation of representatives of state institutions, the public, representatives of international organizations to discuss the possibility of the introduction of SCP principles, international experience on SCP. The project experts participated in international webinars on the implementation of green/sustainable public procurement (organized by UNEP), the international conferences on eco-packaging, energy efficiency, green building.
Great attention was paid to the assessment of existing in Kazakhstan potential for implementation of SCP in such sectors as agriculture, construction, housing and communal services, developed recommendations for the implementation of green public procurement.
            Was organized national conference on the issues of resource saving and promotion of SCP patterns, with the participation of representatives of state institutions, business, donors and international organizations, NGOs, Universities and national experts. To raise awareness of industrial enterprises about the benefits of implementing the SCP was released the booklet "Best SCP practices ", in order to promote sustainable lifestyles – booklet on changing patterns of behavior of each person.
The project theme is very relevant, because the issues of SCP gaining attention worldwide. Kazakhstan has set the task to enter the top thirty developed countries of the world, and it is possible to achieve not only economic growth, but systematic work of the whole society to improve the state of environment, changing patterns of production and consumption of each enterprise, each person. As said Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General: "a Developed country is a country that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment".
Next phase of SCP development in Kazakhstan is connected with the UN document “Transforming our world - the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development”
The policy document is indicated by 17 goals and 169 tasks to achieve them.  The goal  12- a 10-years framework of sustainable consumption and production program including tasks (12.1-12.8, 12.a, 12.b, 12.c) focused on the implementation of 6 national and regional key areas of SCP programs. This is primarily capacity building and implementation in the field of sustainable public procurement projects, green construction, food security, sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste throughout their life cycle, and others.
In addition, SCP is mainstreaming into several goals as 3, 6, 11, 17, etc.
Currently, the Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs is finalizing the consolidation of the SDGs for public authorities.